Reveal comprehensive health insights and your risk of lifestyle-related diseases with My Nightingale blood test.
Start building your lifelong health.

Lifelong health
belongs to


My Nightingale is a blood test that tells you your risk of lifestyle-related diseases

An optional add-on to your regular health check, this test provides detailed information on items that are not measured by standard blood tests and assesses the risk of lifestyle-related diseases from five different health areas. No additional time or effort needed, My Nightingale can be taken at the same time as your regular health check-up.

My Nightingale features

My Nightingale

What you will find in
My Nightingale

My Nightingale measures over 250 blood biomarkers* to assess your risk of lifestyle-related diseases using an overall health score and five health indicators. If you are identified as being at high risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases, My Nightingale will reveal the health areas that you need to pay particular attention to and suggest actions that you can take to improve your health.

*A physiological indicator, such as the amount of amino acids in the blood, that gives an indication of the presence or progress of a disease.

Find out more

We measure and analyze more than 250 items with our unique technology

We assess your risk of lifestyle-related diseases in different areas of health

You will get suggestions of specific actions you can take to reduce your risk

Find out more

Health Score

Visual & intuitive reports

The blood test measurement results are scored with our unique algorithm

and you can immediately see which health areas are good and which could be improved.

See example report


Evidence supporting
My Nightingale

Unique blood testing technology

Nightingale has developed a technology to quantitatively analyze 250 biomarkers from a single blood sample using NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy and a proprietary software. In Europe, the technology is a CE-marked IVD device.

Global collaboration

Nightingale’s technology is widely used for research by leading universities and institutions worldwide and and has revealed links between blood values and lifestyle-related diseases.

Proprietary disease risk prediction algorithm

Nightingale has developed an algorithm to calculate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease within 10 years, using data from around 20,000 people.

Start your
lifelong journey

My Nightingale test

My Nightingale is easy and convenient - the test is done from the same blood sample
that is taken in your standard health check-up.

Step 1

Application at a medical facility

Sign up for My Nightingale by selecting it as an optional test when you have a health check-up or physical examination at one of our partner medical facilities.

Step 2

Blood collection

The sample for My Nightingale blood test is collected during your regular health check-up, with no additional time or effort needed.

Step 3

Results report

The results are returned to you normally after 1-2 weeks by the medical facility where your test was carried out.